For people, for society, and for the earth

Osaka Steel’s initiatives

Basic policy
Under the slogan “For people, for society, and for the earth,” the Osaka Steel Group will contribute to the creation of a sustainable society by continuing to produce and provide environmentally friendly and high-quality products that meet customer needs.
Materialities that the Group should address (important issues)
From among the challenges derived from the viewpoint of stakeholders, we have identified the materialities that the Group should address as follows.
Important issue groups Important issues (materialities) Materiality goals and KPIs

Creation of a sustainable society

Response to the global environment

Reduction in CO2 emissions

  • 2030 target: Reducing CO2 emissions by 46% compared to the 2013 level
  • 2050 vision: Carbon neutral

Initiatives for internal zero emission

  • Material recycling rate 90% or more

Creation of a safe and secure environment

Continuity of corporate activities that give top priority to safety, the environment, disaster risk reduction, and quality

Stepping up initiatives for safety first

  • Number of serious disasters that occur 0

Promotion of environmental risk management

  • Number of serious violations of environmental laws and ordinances 0

All-out efforts to eliminate disaster risks

  • Number of serious accidents in disaster risk reduction 0

Provision of high-quality, safe, and secure products

  • Number of serious quality problems that occur 0

Active engagement of diverse human resources

Creation of a work environment in which human rights are respected, diverse human resources are utilized, and every employee feels that their job is rewarding

Establishment of an employment environment for women’s active engagement

  • Number of female employees in managerial positions
    2025: Twice compared to the FY2021 level
    2030: Three to four times compared to the FY2021 level

Establishment of workstyles for active engagement of diverse human resources
(Support in handling both a career and a family life)

  • Average rate of paid vacations taken 80% or more

  • Average rate of child-care leave taken 80% or more

  • Human resources revitalization training 100%

Establishment of a work environment in which persons with disabilities can work easily

  • Statutory employment rate for persons with disabilities 2.3% or more

Development of health management

  • Rate of employees who undergo cancer checkup (colorectal cancer)※ 100%

  • Rate of employees who undergo cancer checkup (gastric cancer)※ 90% or more

  • Rate of employees who undergo regular health examinations 100%

  • Rate of employees who undergo stress check 100%

※Employees aged 35 or older

Fair and sincere corporate activities

Sound and fair corporate activities and management that are trusted by society and meet its expectations

Thorough compliance

  • Number of serious scandals/violations of laws and ordinances 0

  • Rate of employees who receive compliance training 100%

Positioning of materialities

Concept of materialities

Sustainability promotion structure
Recognizing sustainability-related initiatives as an important management issue, we have established a governance system centered on the Sustainability Committee, and the Board of Directors is supervising such initiatives under the system.

ESG initiatives
